Real Housewife of New York City Countess Luann, who has become a reality TV star from the hit Bravo show, has decided to make a record, “Money Can’t Buy You Class.” And tonight after the show, Luann debuts her second single, “‘Chic, c’est la vie,” live on Bravo honcho Andy Cohen’s very cool late night party show, Watch What Happens. A music career Luann, really? Oy Vey. Even though the song is really groovy, Luann you can’t sing or rap. I will say I did find the song funny. Maybe a career in comedy instead? Seriously though, whatever happened to the day when “real” singers only made records. It’s one thing to write a book and even another thing to write a song, but to sing that song when you’re not a singer is the reason why the music business is in deep doo-doo. Luann, the song is great and you look great but you don’t sound so great. Just because you want to sing and dream of becoming a singer dosen’t mean the vocal g-ds come down from heaven and gift you like they have Barbra Streisand. Greed is not good, remember Gordon Gekko? You should really just embrace being a TV star and an author and work on that. Lastly, please tell your music producer that he should never ever compare you to Madonna or Fergie ever again. Talk about a faux pas.
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