
Busy dad Brad Pitt who has two movies coming out this year,’ Tree of Life’ and ‘Moneyball,’has just signed on to star in heist comedy ‘Cogan’s Trade’ with Andrew Dominick directing from his own script. Variety reported that this movie re-team’s Pitt with Dominick, who wrote and directed 2007’s ‘The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Pitt’s production company Plan B will produce along with Steve Schwartz, Paula Mae Schwartz and Roger Schwartz from Chockstone Pictures, as well as Bill Johnson and Jim Seibel from Inferno. Based on George V Higgins novel, Pitt will play Jack Cogan, “a professional enforcer who investigates a heist that takes place during a high stakes poker game held under the protection of the mob.” Rumor is the film will start shooting in one of the Jolie-Pitt’s favorite places and a place where they call home sometimes, New Orleans in March, and some of the stellar cast includes Casey Affleck, Mark Ruffalo, Sam Rockwell and Zoe Saldana. Pictured here are Brad and Angelina having a laugh with funnyman Will Ferrell on the red carpet at the ‘Megamind’ premiere a month ago in Paris, France.