PARADE caught up with the children of some famous fathers, including Denzel Washington, Warren Buffet, Paul Newman, Colin Powell, and more, to find out some of the best advice they’ve received from their dads, featured in this Sunday’s issue of PARADE.
Here’s what some of them told us…
John David Washington, son of actor DENZEL WASHINGTON:
“I was 10, and it was my first time playing tackle football. While I loved football, I was frightened by the contact. I wanted to quit, but Dad wouldn’t let me. He did hitting drills with me until I stopped being scared. When I got knocked down, he’d say, ‘Are you hurt? No? Then get back up.’ He taught me if you have the fortitude to continue, you can and should.”
Susie Buffett, daughter of WARREN BUFFETT:
“I was nervous about telling my father when my son wanted to leave college and pursue his interest in music. But instead of saying, ‘He oughta finish school,’ Daddy said, ‘Good for him.’ He told us it’s not about the money—just follow your passion. He’s always supported everything we’ve done.”
Jessie Bridges, daughter of actor JEFF BRIDGES (pictured here):
“Recently when I was an assistant on a movie, I ended up being put on camera. I called up Dad to ask for advice. He went through different approaches and ways to prepare, and he ended with, ‘Come on, Jess, remember to have fun!’ Whenever I’m under pressure, he gives me a pep talk that always finishes with that.”
Click here for more advice famous dads in PARADE: