The franchise lives on in 20th Century Fox’ prequel ‘Rise of the Planet of the Apes’ and its monkey mania all the way. The apes take over and go bananas after charming genetic scientist James Franco, after years of research finally has a breakthrough drug which leads to human like smarts and abilities for the chimps leading to an incredible revolution. At the same time helping to reverse the dementia of Franco’s once brilliant musical prodigy father John Lithgow. The plot swings to Franco and dad adopting baby chimp Caesar and raising him like a child after his lab mother is shot down for going on a dangerous rampage. ‘Slumdog Millionaire’s’ Freida Pinto plays Franco’s other love interest. The special effects are extraordinary, the simians are so real that I was scared and its jungle love for everyone. The amazing man vs. ape battle that unfolds on San Fran’s Golden Gate Bridge is thrilling. Chest-pump your way to the theatre.