Courtesy: Warner Bros.

Narrated by a passionate Meryl Streep, and compelling and catchy music supplied by Paul McCartney, Warner Bros adventurous survival documentary ‘To The Arctic’ will take you on a 40 minute captivating journey into the lives of a mother polar bear and her seven month old twin cubs as you probably have never seen before.

And then add the up-close and personal 3D and IMAX and it’s over the top.

The decaying environment and changing arctic wilderness is the focus here with the family’s struggle in a frigid environment of melting ice, immense glaciers, amazing waterfalls and unreal snow-bound peaks that is home to the polar bear, walrus, caribou, beluga, whales and numerous other species that migrate across the U.S.

The ever melting ice platforms are going quickly and shows the terrible difficulty this one mother polar bear has trying to feel her cubs via swimming and dipping for seals.

Kids will be enthralled at this IMAX 3D in your face fetching story of what this one mother polar bear goes though to feed her cubs and protect them from predators in this unfortunate climate change.

Rated G. Informative and exciting. Even thought it’s kinda scary, it’s riveting. Take the kids.


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