Legendary movie director Garry Marshall and actress Kate Hudson coffee- talked with hosts The MOMS and Serta Mattresses, at a comfy morning Mamarazzi event that brought together influential moms and media who saw their newest film Mother’s Day, which celebrates mothers everywhere.
Hudson spoke about her two children and the challenges as a mother to leave her childrens‘ side when they were babies. She said she barely left her firstborn Ryder for the first 2.5 years of his life but that it has been a bit easier with her second child Bingham.
When discussing tweens, Hudson said that she definitely sees a difference in how her son Ryder has started to get more involved in trends, caring about social status and what clothes to wear. She described her son Ryder‘s social media prescence as “wonderfully terrifying” in that while it is slightly terrifying to have your child exposed to all the likes of social media, the actress said it is also wonderful to see what kind of character your child is growing up to be.
Also a topic of discussion was technology in the home, and Hudson noted that while it can be great and stimulating for the child’s intellect, it can also have an adverse effect where “it stops the kids connectivity and intimacy and sometimes we need to slow all of that down.” She added that it is important for her to have that technology-free time in her home at times, but admitted lightheartedly that she may not always be so good at staying away from technology herself: “No I’m a Mom, I can do whatever I want!“