The French Heritage Society celebrated its 35th Anniversary with an “On the Riviera” themed cocktail dinatoire soiree, where they announced they will award 1.1 million dollars for 21 restoration projects throughout France and the United States in 2017.
Held at a private club in Manhattan, the event was presented by the Ambassador of France to the U.S. Gerard Araud, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations Francois Delattre and Mrs. Sophie L’Helias-Delattre, Consul General of France in New York Ms. Anne-Claire Legendre, Cultural Counselor of the French Embassy in the United States Mrs. Benedicte de Montlaur and Mr. Keith Yazmir, and the soiree chairs CeCe Black, Jean Shafiroff, Ann Van Ness, Maureen M. Nash, Jay R. Paul, Xavier Flouret and Silvina Leone with New York Chapter Chairs, Odile de Schietere-Longchampt and Guy N. Robinson.
A cocktail reception set to the music of The Bob Hardwick Sound with passed hors d’oeuvres preceded an upscale buffet, and supporters were given the opportunity to bid on three lots that included a lavish trip to Discover Paris and the French Riviera, dinner for four at Skybox at Daniel accompanied by two magnums of 2005 Chateau d’Yquem, and a trip to La Mamounia, the legendary 5-star palace hotel in Marrakesh, Morocco.
A raffle, coffee, and delectable desserts capped off the night which included guests: Sharon Bush, Lucia Hwong Gordon, Lee Black, Michael Cox Witmer, Dr. Penny Grant, R. Couri Hay, Valerie Lettan, Judy McLaren, Martin Shafiroff, Jennifer Herlein, Michael Kovner, Jean Doyen de Montaillou, Shaune Arp, Veronique Bich, Geoffrey Bradfield, J. Brooks, Yann Coatanlem, Lynn Finesilver Crystal, Ronald Lee Fleming, David B. Ford, John and Carole French, Alison Harmelin, Elizabeth Hartnett, Ursula and Paul Lowerre, Jeannie Rutherfoord, Sana Sabbagh, David Sadroff, and Betty and Stanley Scott.
Jean Shafiroff, Odile de Schietere-Longchampt, CeCe Black, Elizabeth Stribling, Ann Van Ness, Maureen Nash, Silvina Leone