Rock star mom Pink covers the June issue of Redbook, dishing on how she balances performing with raising her two kids on the road.
Here’s some.
On finding balance between life as Alecia Moore and life as Pink:
“I’ve never juggled so many damn plates in my life, but it’s because I want to. I enjoy it. If I had nannies raising my kids and just wanted to be a rock star and party all the time, I wouldn’t be successful and I wouldn’t be happy.”
On being on tour with her kids:
“When I left [for the Truth About Love Tour], Willow was 14 months, and I would come offstage and breastfeed her. That was our bonding time and some of my favorite moments. Jameson is now doing the same thing.”
On life on the road with Willow (7 years) and Jameson (18 months):
“When touring stops working for the kids, if they decide they just want to be home and have a normal life, whatever that means, I’ll stop, because they are by far the priority. But I think it’s cool that they get to see their mom be the boss and work really freaking hard to realize a dream. I’d say it’s 95% positive.”
On expressing her feelings:
“I am a total crier. I cry at commercials. I cry when the wind’s changing directions.”
On being referred to as “Queen Badass” at a recent show:
“If I’ve ever deserved the title, it’s right now. I have my two kids with me. I’m working my butt off and feel really focused. I feel seen and heard and like the things I’m saying and showing are the right things. I just feel really proud of this journey.”