A week ago, Jacqueline Weld Drake, Ernica Arengi Bentivoglio, John Bernbach, Mario Buatta, Fe Fendi and Kalliope Karella hosted over 200 guest at Casita Maria’s Holiday Cocktail Party at Roberto Cavalli,on New York’s gorgeous Madison Avenue at 63 Street.
Pictured left: Jacqueline Weld Drake, Agnes Gund
The evening which celebrated the work of Casita Maria Center for Arts and Education, supporting young people and their families through high quality social, cultural, and educational opportunities, brought out a bevy of VIP’s including Edgar Batista, Haley & Jason Binn (pictured below), Liliana Cavendish, Ann Dexter Jones, Paula Fendi, Anges Gund, Susan Gutfreund, Mai Hallingby Harrison, Maria Eugenia Haseltine & William Haseltine, William Ivey Long, Kalliope Karella, Eleanora and Michael Kennedy, Sandra Landy, Carmen Lambari, Cristiano Mancini, Daisy Olarte de Kanavos, Lauren Remington Platt, Michael Rena, Barbara Cirkva-Schumacher & John Schumacher,
Jean Shafiroff, Daisy Soros, Stephanie Stokes, Christine Schwarzman, Felicia Taylor, Adrienne Vittadini and Cipriano Zabbos & Alexandra Zabbos.
Robert Cavalli Vodka kept the guests in good spirits throughout the evening.