Superstar Jennifer Aniston was honored in Italy with the Giffoni Experience Award during the Giffoni Film Festival over the weekend.
Who better than the 47-year old actress, acting since 1988, and who rose to mega-fame after her role as Rachel in the NBC hit series Friends, to receive an award based on show business experience and life lessons.
During the festival, Aniston talked about many various topics with the GFF jurors including self esteem, perseverance, sexism, bullying, what kind of roles she prefers, and what’s wrong with the Hollywood film industry.
Having grown in popularity after Friends, it wasn’t always easy. “How many times I wanted to quit! – she revealed – There’ve been many times of frustration, you know when you feel frustrated with directors or when sometimes you just think that being an actor is almost too much too bear. This happens especially if you’re too sensitive. But acting is my passion and I don’t believe in quitting. I believe in perseverating and overcoming, always fighting!”.
She also affirmed she would certainly act as a spokesperson when it comes to what’s wrong with Hollywood film industry, explaining that the courage to speak must never fail: “I believe in the power of conversation and we also need to empower women because they’re not just dresses and selfies. This discussion has already started on media and tabloids. However, we must put phones down and have conversations. We need to empower each other and treat each other as equals. It’s all about equality”. Keeping talking about social issues, the actress also got the chance to launch an appeal: “You have to support each other and eliminate bully people, isolate them! – she exhorted – Now with the Internet there are a bunch of anonymous bullies. Internet is filled with it. It’s about not allowing them to penetrate”.
Then, the conversation shifted to her personal career in the film industry and the kind of role she prefers and how she relates to the parts she plays in her real life: “I like being a little bit creative and a little bit precise at the same time – she affirmed – I think it’s all about the different characters I play”. Of course, jurors couldn’t drop her role in Friends from their questions: “I’m grateful for Rachel in Friends. I feel she’s wonderful. The show was a great gift to us as actors and a wonderful thing to all of you”.