Cute as a button and pint sized, long time White House Correspondent Helen Thomas just put her foot in her mouth and screwed up her entire legacy. The 89 year old long time reporter made controversial remarks about Israeli Jews that was captured on video and posted online for all of us to hear over and over again. When asked about Israel, she stated, “Tell them to get the hell out of Palestine.” Asked where they should go she continued, “Tell them to go to Germany or Poland.” She came under fire with the White House and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said, ‘Her comments were offensive and reprehensible and she should and has apologized.’ She was set to speak at a local high school and they abruptly canceled her appearance. Even President Obama commented to Matt Lauer on The Today Show and said, “The comments were offensive and hopefully she realizes that.” He also said she made the right decision by abruptly announcing her retirement. Helen Thomas has always been the cute little old lady, with or without red lipstick sitting in the front row of all The White House press conferences through the years, ready to ask the President’s the tough questions. Oy vey Helen, you are cute no more.