Superstar Madonna is currently directing her first feature-length movie in London. The film, titled “W.E.” follows the story of the romance between King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson, an American socialite that led the...
LeBron James does it Vegas Style
Miami Newbie LeBron James hosts a night out at LAVO nightclub at The Palazzo Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. LeBron, who turned down apples for oranges, looks like he’s dressed to kill and...
Ben Affleck is a movie star, oscar winner, husband, and father of two. Soon, he will be called a critically acclaimed director and actor. Ben, who just finished directing his second major motion picture,...
Ryan Seacrest Goes Greek
Show Biz workaholic Ryan Seacrest, who just got back from an Italian rendezvous with his hot and new young love interest Julianne Hough, has lunch at delicious Greek restaurant Taverna Tony’s in Malibu, Ca....
Entourage’s Kevin Connolly and Sophie Monk’s Hot Date
The English- Australian singer, model and actress who has dated everyone from Jude Law and Ryan Seacrest, and who was engaged to Paris Hilton’s ex, Benji Madden, now looks to be giving it a...
Pat O’Brien Cozy With Mystery Lady
Longtime sports and newscaster Pat O’Brien, who had his bouts with alcoholism, rehab and sexually graphic voicemail messages that eventually lead to his downfall, seen walking around The Grove in LA with mystery woman....
Renee Zellweger Fitness Fanatic
Hot to trot actress Renee Zellweger, who snagged an Academy Award in 2004 for best supporting actress in ‘Cold Mountain,” has also snagged up and comer hottie, Bradley Cooper. Rumor has it that Cooper...
Chelsea Handler Dating Animal Planet’s Dave Salmoni
Comedy Queen Chelsea Handler host of ‘Chelsea Lately,’ is dating Animal Planet hottie Dave Salmoni, according to ‘Life & Style’s’ Scene Queens. Apparently, Dave has visited Chelsea at her Marina Del Ray, CA condo...
New Showtime Series for Friends Star Matt LeBlanc
Matt LeBlanc will star in “Episodes,” a Showtime/BBC television series about a fictional British television series that is remade for an American audience. The series will debut next January following the season- four premiere...
Lil Kim’s Sensual ‘Queen Honey Bee Shake’
Sexy Lil Kim who turned 36 yesterday, joins a list of celebs including Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan and gets her own milkshake, ‘The Queen Honey Bee,’ at Millions of Milkshakes in...